

PL-LT idea

The participants of this project are the students from the Scientific Organizations of Vilnius University and University of Warsaw. Their field of studies is information and communication sciences. The main idea of this Project is covered by the statement that the major part of conflicts :- global, local, as well as ethnic – are caused by lack of reliable, fast and easily accessible information.
The aim of this Project is a discussion about the possibilities of maintaining an international dialog between Lithuania and Poland which allows for a better cognition and understanding of our cultures, breaking the stereotypes and promoting the positive attitudes . Nowadays all this activities should be done using the solutions appropriate for the information society, especially the social media like Facebook or YouTube. In this context the issue of the proper education of specialists who can encourage this dialog in the right way, has a great importance. The participants of this project will try to determine what kind of knowledge and skills are needed for information brokers, social media administrators, information architects or librarians in order to be able to meet the demands of the information society.
The Project teaching methods are workshops, discussions and presentations. All the participants will take part in.
The effects intended by the Project :
1.Creation of the Lithuanian- Polish network of scientific organizations from our Faculties.
2.Beginning of innovative dialog concerning the most basic topics in the international relations - the problem of gathering, processing and distribution of information.
3.Collecting the set of guidelines for modifications of curricula in the information and communication studies. These materials will be presented to the Heads of our Faculties what in the further will allow to educate better the information specialists able to successful work for a Lithuanian-Polish cooperation.